Jul 4, 2012

Discussions on the the relative pronouns

In the Arabic language we have two related words:
 مَنْ and مَا  

these 2 words have a number of similarities both in terms of their structure and usage.

scholars of linguistics say the following:

مَنْ was originally constructed from the مَا with the addition of a نُون سَاكِنَة ( an unvowelled ن) and then the ا (Alif) is dropped for the reason of the joining between 2 sukoons. 

Therefore مَا ends with an Alif which indicates vastness based on the elongated sound. while the مَنْ ends in a sukoon, a stoppage of the sound, which indicates a restriction.

With respect to both of these particle being used for the الإسم الموصول  (relative pronoun), مَا would indicate a more vaster usage than مَنْ. This is exactly what we are taught in studies of Nahw and Balagha. both مَنْ and مَا are used for the feminine and masculine, the singluar, dual and plural. The difference between the two is that مَنْ is used specifically for the intelligent ( Allah, Mankind, Jinn and Angels), while مَا is used for the non-intelligent or as a description for the intelligent.

simple example to demonstrate this is the following:

If one was talking about a  man and said the following:

مَنْ هُوَ   who is he ?
This would be asking about the person himself i.e his name

مَا هُوَ   what is he ?

This would be asking about the description of this person i.e. what he does for a living and other descriptions related to this person.

The relative pronoun is used quite frequently in the Quran and I have dedicated a number of lessons related to Nahw and rhoteric with examples from the Quran.


For more information on how to be a part of this please visit:

ARB01 Quran and rehtoric course

Indefiniteness and Definiteness are one of the first concepts which are taught in introductory Arabic grammar. Delve into the finer points of Classical Arabic grammar and discover why the eloquence of the Qur’an is unprecedented and unmatched.The subjects covered in the course will be related predominately to Balagha (Rhetoric) and a basic understanding of Arabic will be highly recommend.


Lesson 1 - The two most common meanings of indefiniteness [21:45 minutes]
The two most common meanings of indefiniteness
What is the context?

Lesson 2 - Other meanings of indefiniteness [39:27 minutes]
Other meanings of indefiniteness Part 1
Other meanings of indefiniteness Part 2
Putting it all together and a detailed discussion of verse 2:179

Lesson 3 - Tanween of substitute [36:19 minutes]
The Qur'an linguistic challenge - CHALLENGE 1 explained
Tanween of substitute Part 1
Tanween of substitute Part 2

Lesson 4 - Proper Nouns (Ism Alam) [36:19 minutes]
Proper Nouns (Ism Alam)

Lesson 5 - Definiteness [44:34 minutes]
Definiteness with ال
Definiteness and indefiniteness in the Quran

Lesson 6 - Demonstrative pronouns (Ism Ishara) [34:46 minutes]
Usages of the Demonstrative Pronouns
Indepth look at the Demonstrative Pronouns

Lesson 7 - Relative pronouns (Ism Mowsool) [1 hour 36 minutes]
Introduction to the Relative pronouns
Usages of the Relative pronouns
The specific Relative pronouns
The general relative pronouns
The relative pronoun in the Quran


The course is based on a number of classical Arabic texts including: Al Itqan fi ‘ulum al Qur’an by Imam Al Suyooti, Idaah fil 'uloom Al Balgha by Al Qazweeni, Sharh Al mukhtasir A'la Talkhees Al miftaah by Al Taftazani, Tafseer Fath AL qadeer by Imam Showkani, Al Bahrul Muheet by Abu Hayyan, Al Tafseer al Kabeer by Sheikh Fakhar al deen Al Razi, Fathil Qadeer by Sheikh Muhammad Al Shawkani, , Kitaab Sibawayh, Lisan Al arab by Ibn Manthoor as well as the contemporary works of Ibn Ashoor and Dr Fadl Salih Alsamaraie.

We have Qualified teachers to answer all your questions. The video lessons are downloadable and can be viewed personally at a later time.
You will experience the profound meanings of verses from the Quran like never before!
We will be explaining the Quran challenge in great detail to demonstrate to students the miraculous nature of the Quranic language.

The Quran challenge can be watched HERE

One will need to have studied an Introductory level Arabic course so that one has a basic understanding of: grammatical states, pronouns, gender agreement, singular/dual/plural, simple noun sentences, and simple verb sentences. In-depth knowledge is not required, and both the beginner and advanced student of Arabic will find great benefit from this course.
All necessary Morphological, Grammatical and Balagha ( Rhetoric) discussions will be discussed when necessary. 

For more information 


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