May 12, 2012

Verse endings in the Quran (5:118)

One common feature the Quran is its verse (ayah) endings that mention the attributes of Allah (Most high).
For example we have the following 2 verses

It is very clear to understand why these ending have been used based on the first part of each ayah. 

The first ayah  mentions repentance after committing wrong and appropriately it ends with the attributes related to mercy and forgiveness. While the second ayah states the severe punishment to those who reject the signs of Allah and once again the attributes related to his power and retribution is mentioned.

Verse endings in the Quran are a major point of discussion amongst scholar of the Quran as well as orientalists who have raised objections over a number aspects of the Quran. One of these criticisms that they raise is related to the following verse in Surat Al Ma'ida.

The verse mentions Jesus (Peace be upon him) asking Allah (SWT) to either forgive or punish those who used to worship him. A simple reading of the verse 118 will give the impression that to mention Allah's attributes of forgiveness and mercy would be more appropriate based on Jesus's (A.S) statement of "but if You forgive them.....".

We can contrast this to Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) who makes a similar statement in the Quran:

 and we have the ending "You are Forgiving and Merciful"

Insh'Allah I will be explaining and showing not just how this ending matches the context of the verse and surrounding verses but also the context of Surat Al Ma'ida.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum wr wb

    I was looking for exactly this methodology used in the Glorious Quran, i.e. verses ending with the attributes and what is the logic behind mentioning them in that verse.

    Could you please enlighten me with the opinions of the scholars of tafseer who talk about this methodology. Also, are there any books dealing with this methodology alone?

    JazakAllahu Khairan
